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2017 In The Zone: Sir Patrick
A Scissor Lift cone stacker
12 Two Wire 393 Motors, 2 Potentiometers, 4 Optical Shaft Encoders, 1 Gyroscope, 4 Omni-Directional Wheels, and 2 Batteries.
Programming: 3 PID controls and 7 different autonomous
3X Excellence Award (CECFC, Windsor, CO State Championship)
3X Skills Champion (CECFC, Windsor, CO State Championship)
2X Tournament Champion (Windsor, Roosevelt)
2018 VEX Worlds Appearance
2011-2012 Gateway: Johnny 5
A Conveyor Belt Arm Bot
As many things are lost to time, much of the information behind this legendary robot is sadly gone.
Awards: ​
Colorado Robot Skills Finalist
Central Nebraska Robot Skills Champion
Central Nebraska Excellence Award
2012 Worlds Appearance
2012 Worlds Division Excellence Award
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